08 July 2008


s- simple
w- wild
e- elegant
e- enigmatic
t- tranquil
y- yahoo

02 July 2008

Secrets and Hang-ups of Human Mind

Every person is too some extent mental patient according to Sigmund Freud. But with overcoming this and get success in life is everybody's basic instinct...Behind every sorrow a happiness is hidden , may not be always , but most of the time..and every body's fate is pre-scripted..Everybody should remember one thing that a failure or disappointment in life might be very fatal for some time being, but that failure or disappointment might be more fatal in near future..Look failure and success are very relative....One's failure may be other's success, like some people get some sadistic pleasure by hurting others , that is a different issue...but roaming around with the haunting memories from some past incidents is not logical. This brings only unhappiness , from which the mental hang-ups are born. So I have to say one thing that forget the failures( I know this is a bit difficult for somebody, even me !!)and enjoy the life...Because sun rises in front you, it does not rise behind you...So keep the haunted experiences of life behind you with every sun set everyday and try to cheer your mind up with every sun rise at the begining of the day....!!